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当前位置:首页 >> 历年真题及考试大纲 >> 2019考研英语二真题试卷答案


Section I Use of English

Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, BC or D on the ANSWER SHET(10 points)


1. C However

2. D helps

3. A solely

4. A. Lowering

5. C. reach

6. A. Depiction

7. D. due to

8. C. Immediate

9. B. Reasons

10. D. instead

11. A. track

12. C.account for

13. B. Adjust

14. D. results

15. B. Hungry

16. C. Sign

17. B. Decision

18. D. Disappointing

19. A. Because

20. D. Obsessing


Section II Reading Comprehension

Part A


Read the following four texts. Answer the questions after each text by choosing A, BC or D. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET (40 points)

Text 1


21. A foster a child's moral development

22. D burdensome  

23. B an emotion can play opposing roles

24. B. can result from either sympathy or guilt

25. D. wrongdoings

Text 2


26. D. forests may become a potential threat

27. D.lower their present carbon- absorbing capacity

28. B. reduce the density of some of its forest

29. A. To handle the areas in serious danger first

30. C. Supportive


Text 3



31. C. Flaws in U.S. immigration rules for farm workers

32. D. the aging of immigrant farm workers

33. B. To get native U.S. workers back to farming

34. A. slow granting procedures

35. B. Import Food or Labor?


Text 4



36. B. urge consumers to cut the use of plastics

37. B. prevent us from making further efforts

38. D: We should press our government to lead the combat

39. D: a top-down process

40. C: are far from sufficient

Part B


You are going to read a list of headings and a text. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-G for each numbered paragraph (41-45). Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points)


41. A  42. D  43. C  44. G  45. F


Section II Translation


Translate the following text into Chinese. Write your translation neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)



Section IV Writing

Part A

 Directions: Suppose professor Smith ask you to plan a debate on the theme of city traffic, write an email to him.

1) Suggest a topic and with your reasons,

2) And your arrangement,

You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

Don't use your own name, use "Zhang Wei"instead. Don't write your address.(10 points)


Dear Prof. Smith,

  It’s my pleasure to plan the debate on city traffic, and I am writing mainly to put forward advice on the topic of this debate and introduce my preliminary arrangements concerned.

  To begin with, the debate can be conducted with the topic of “By Bus or By Bike” on the ground that a host of residents prefer convenient vehicles to reduce time cost under the background of increasingly heavy city traffic. Therefore, the participants in this debate can take an active part in it due to their real experience in daily life. Regarding the arrangements of the debate, it will be held in the auditorium on our campus Dec.28th,2018. Anyone interested in this debate can apply for participation at the Students’ Union Office before Dec. 24th. Finally, a watch will be awarded to the winner of the debate .

  It will be highly appreciated if you could give me an early reply or some comments on my plan.

  Yours sincerely,

  Zhang Wei




  首先,这次辩论可以围绕“开车还是骑车”展开,因为在城市交通日益拥堵的背景下, 很多人更喜欢便捷的交通方式以节约时间成本。因此,这次辩论的参与者可以根据日常生活中的实际经验积极参与到辩论中来。关于这次辩论的安排:举办时间为20181028日,地点在我校礼堂;获奖者会得到一块手表。






 Part B


  Write an essay based on the following chart. In your essay, you should

  1) interpret the chart, and

  2) give your comments.

You should write about 150 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)





This bar chart above looks into the choices that concern graduates most when they settle down after schooling. With the staggering economy, most graduates choose to find a job after they leave school, even though there is a decline of about 8 percentage in 2018, comparing that in 2013. The least part of them choose to establish their own business after graduation, with 1.3 percentage in 2013 and 2.6 percentage in 2018. As to the students who ask for further study, it accounts for 26.3 percentage in 2013 and 34 percentage in 2018. Besides, we can see from the chart that more students choose to continue to study instead of working after educationcomparing those in 2013.

This reflects a change of attitudes of graduates towards life after schooling. I can find no better reasons for this phenomenon other than the following two. On the one hand, most graduates want to find a break after four-year study at school. This indicates that youth today are eager to face challenges and want to put what they have learned into practice. On the other hand, students are facing an ever intense competition owing to the expansion of enrollment. Most students have to do their further study. Hardly can such students find favorable jobs.

It is high time that we took effective measures to solve the problem. For one thing, it is essential that proper polices be worked out to promote students’ to run their own business. For another, students should be educated to get well-prepared for their future work. Only with this measure can our society improve for a sound development.





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